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2/28/24 2:34 PM1 min read

It’s Not Luck – It’s Leadership

It’s fascinating how often we talk about luck, isn’t it? Whether it’s a stroke of fortune, the magic of the universe, or just the right number popping up at the right time, luck seems to weave its way through our conversations, especially when it comes to leadership and success. In America today, we often think of luck as those moments that just happen to us, those out-of-the-blue events that we can’t control but dramatically change our course. There’s something thrilling about those stories of chance that seem too good to be true.

But when we say someone “got lucky” with a promotion or landing a big deal, what are we really saying? It’s easy to overlook the hard work behind what looks like an overnight success. Think about it: when we watch Olympic athletes, we don’t see the years of training behind that one moment of glory. And calling a colleague lucky for making a valuable connection on a flight discounts the courage it took to start a conversation.

Sometimes, this talk of luck hides a twinge of envy, especially if we think we were just as deserving of that promotion or project. This envy can lead to a feeling of entitlement and dissatisfaction, which isn’t great for team spirit or collaboration.

However, it’s true that sometimes, things just fall into place for someone more than others. But dwelling on luck or fate can make us feel like we have no control, which isn’t helpful. Instead, we should focus on what we can control: our skills, our knowledge, and our reputation.

This means putting in the work, constantly learning and improving, and making sure we’re ready when opportunity knocks. It’s about being strategic in our development, working on our weaknesses, and playing to our strengths. And if you’re leading a team, it’s your job to make sure everyone has the chance to grow and prepare for their moment.

So, while we can’t control everything, we can make sure we’re as prepared as possible for whatever comes our way. Success is where preparation meets opportunity, and it’s up to us to be ready for it.