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6/8/23 1:00 PM2 min read

What is HR on Retainer?


HR on Retainer provides HR consulting services from knowledgeable, expert staff with years of industry experience, certified in their field of expertise.

Who is the Ideal HR on Retainer Client?

The short answer is: Anyone who employs people!

Small to midsize organizations often find themselves challenged with the cost of employing an HR individual and assign the typical responsibilities of the HR role to an existing employee in the organization’s leadership.  Where this becomes challenging is it not only impedes the employees’ time towards completing their primary function, it can have long term implications for the organization in the area of compliance.  

Outsourcing your HR – or at the very least having a certified HR partner in your pocket to call on – can be a more affordable, practical and safer approach.  The skillful and informed navigation of complex HR issues, and understanding of employment law, is an essential factor in the businesses bottom line.

For midsize to large organizations with an HR staff in place, HR on Retainer can be utilized to help supplement those teams when and where it’s needed, assisting with both employee relations and those HR projects that seem to keep being put on the backburner.


What Does HR on Retainer Support Look Like?

At The People Perspective, our HR retainers are customized to fit the needs of your business and include, but are not limited to, support in the following areas:

  • Procedural and Process Audit and Associated Resolution
  • Onboarding and Orientation
  • Offboarding
  • Employee Relations Support
  • Employee Leave Support
  • Policy Review & Alignment
  • Employee Handbooks (New or Revision)
  • Organizational Development Programs
  • Performance Management Solutions
  • Culture Assessment
  • Additional HR Projects (as needed)

Here’s some additional insight to what support levels look like:

  • Begins at a minimum of 5 hours a month and can increase based on your organizational needs.  
  • The support can be provided in-person, virtually or a mix of both.
  • TPP can provide minimal to full support in the referenced areas, depending on your preference.
  • Ongoing check-in with your assigned HR Consultant and Client Success team to ensure utilization of contracted hours.

Additional services we provide outside of a retainer are also available on our website.

Is HR on Retainer Right For Your Organization?

If you find yourself relating to any of the challenges or recognize that the organization could use help in the mentioned areas – HR consulting services may be the right move for your business.

Each relationship begins with a free consultation where we learn more about your organization and your pain points and you learn more about us.  Together, we determine if we’re the right fit.

We’ll also determine if a retainer is what’s really needed or if it’s possible that project-based work is better suited.  If a retainer is best, we work with you to determine what size retainer is the best option for your needs.

To schedule a free consultation, contact us.